The Grilled Peach Julep is a great drink to have after a Sunday roast lamb. The caramelised homemade peach purée adds another depth of flavour to the smoky Whisky notes. The mint cuts through with a crisp and light refreshing finish.
50 ml Whisky
6-8 mint leaves
15ml honey
1 peach
10ml fresh lemon juice
Add the mint to the cocktail shaker and cover with the Highland Black 8 Year Old Whisky.
Lightly muddle using a wooden spoon.
Add the honey to the cocktail shaker and stir until dissolved.
To make peach purée cut 1 peach in half and de-stone.
Lightly grill the two halves until they begin to caramelise.
Add to a blender until smooth and place in the fridge to chill.
Add 25ml of peach purée and all the remaining ingredients and stir to ensure all the flavours are combined.
Pour into an ice-filled tall glass.